plastic audit


Ok, I admit it, here at Merrywood we have always thought of ourselves as being eco minded. We stopped using palm oil 20 years ago when we first heard of the effects of deforestation, (palm oil does, sadly, make a nice soap, and it is cheap) but, we have stuck by our guns and have never used plastic bottles or plastic carriers and we keep our packaging simple, sustainable and recyclable. However, there is still plastic in some of the things we use, so this year, with time on our hands, we decided to carry out a plastic audit to see if we could cut down on our usage. There is still more to do, we haven’t quite managed to substitute everything, but I am pleased to tell you that, as well as some ‘behind the scenes’ changes, our gusseted bags, packaging tapes and most of our bottle tops are now plastic free. Small changes yes, but together, lots of small changes will make a big difference to this world.


the fox, the magpie and the big black crow